How to Improve Gender Diversity in the Workplace
In terms of gender equality, the modern workplace is a beacon of progression compared to what it used to be decades ago, though that’s certainly not to say that it’s perfect in this regard. All employers should put as much effort as possible into ensuring that the workplace offers equal opportunities for both men and women. The following lists four ways employers can improve gender diversity in the workplace.
Consider Potential Biases
All employers should be made aware of the notion of unconscious bias. Essentially, unconscious bias refers to any predispositions a person may have despite them not being aware of those predispositions.
No morally grounded employer wants to think of themselves as biased, but it’s important to note that unconscious bias can happen everywhere. To make things fair for all applicants, an ideal practice for hiring managers is to circulate all resumes with the names removed. Additionally, it’s advised that employers refrain from asking applications to explain long gaps in a resume. In most cases, these gaps are caused from an illness in the family or a birth. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a resume containing several short gaps can potentially be a red flag.
Widen the Pool of Applicants
When employers are looking to increase the gender diversity of a workplace, it’s advised that they establish a diverse pool of candidates.
This can be done by getting in contact with women engineers, immigration advertising agencies, and other professional groups, as well as contacting past employees (men included) who previously left the firm in order to raise a family and offering them their position back.
Offer all Employees the Same Opportunities
It’s up to the employer to ensure that all employees in the workplace are expected to meet the same deadlines across the board so that everyone receives the same opportunities and training. Women who have proven themselves in the workplace should be given an equal shot at dealing with valuable clients and senior executives as men, putting them in an equally promising position to receive a promotion.
Keep the Wages as Balanced as Possible
This is a major cultural topic that won’t be unpacked too deeply here. Suffice it to say for now that employers should be serious about paying men and women the same salary if they’re doing the same job. Employers should not be asking candidates what their salary at their last job was like. Rather, all positions in a company should come with a specified pay range, with some room to play for special circumstances. Additionally, it’s advised that employers audit their payroll regularly, offering compensation for women who have been short-changed by increasing the pay accordingly.