5 Tips for Advertiser and Media to Fight “Hate Speech” Against Immigrants
The Trump Administration has made some bold claims about immigration reform. Perhaps the most dystopian of these claims is the famous wall on the Mexican border. The stated purpose is obvious: keep out all the uneducated Mexican criminals that come in and take advantage of America. This misguided and downright racist attitude towards immigration has left many scratching their heads and anxiously re-examining their position on immigration. The sad truth is that Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric has begun to normalize “hate speech” on social media and some conservative media outlets. Fox News is a good example of the right wing propaganda that has been given more voice in a media industry that is trying to come to terms with a President that twitter's more than he speaks with the news.
It is a shame that these attacks are focused on the hard working immigrants that contribute so much vibrancy to the American social and cultural fabric. Here are 5 tips for combatting the rise of hate speech and conservative rhetoric in media and advertising. It is the responsibility of advertisers and media outlets to support accurate and positive content that brings us together rather than tears us apart.
Give Voices To Immigrants Themselves: An advertisement firm should look for ways to include immigrant voices in their campaigns in any way possible. This should include image and text to really drive home the idea that America is made up of people from around the world that share a passion for liberty, freedom of speech, and hard work.
Report or Contact Advertisers That Publish “Hate Speech” Content: A lot of business owners in the American heartland are just loving Trump’s message. They look at the world through a confrontational perspective that is dangerously ignorant. Unfortunately, advertisers need to produce work to match their interests, and this will include anti-immigration rhetoric. It’s the responsibility of an ethic ad agency to confront these confrontational campaigns that give a poor face to immigration advertising.
Drop Clients that Support Deportation: This is a difficult decision that must be made in the interest of social harmony. Any advertiser should know that there are other amazing clients available that will not get swept up in the anti-immigration rhetoric.
Highlight Inclusive Advertising: It’s important to bring attention to advertising agencies that are publishing campaigns to support multiculturalism. It is also advisable to create an advertising group on Facebook or LinkedIn with the state aim of supporting inclusive advertising
Focus on Content that Illustrates Harmony: The point is to show how well American’s actually collaborate with immigrants. This will bring attention away from the hate speech of the moment and remind Americans that immigration is responsible for the greatness of America in the first place.